Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Kent State Protest

Kent State The image of Kent State shooting with that appears to be a lifeless body lying faced down. Next to the body is a woman screaming in horror of help and panic in her face. Another lady is standing next to her in disbelief with a standing head turned without knowledge of her reactions. Only one individual appears to be running is one with everybody looking in different directions. Gave you a feeling of what’s the reason why don’t help her, and then comes a greater question of what is the chaos. Reviewing the video the realization that the government had involvement doesn’t really surprise the situation. As understanding the difficult times of Vietnam War time was scary time of changes where coming and government was overwhelmed from political to civil. The motives of most of the government is usually money, to why they would shot into protestors is a question to why? My speculation of motives would be the government would have investors and friends involved into such actions would like protestor to stay quiet. War makes money in all history has shown, the government has to build equipment which increases taxes. Investors are usually involved has lots of political ties such as close friends of congress and presidents. It’s a consistent reminder never get too comfortable because you never be expecting a drastic change with politics. The information I feel being presented is not necessary the right point of view as information is only towards one party such as for the protestors. There has to be a bigger motives reason for military action to get involved as well. I do believe the governments overstep their boundaries the cause of four people would never compensate for the loss of their families. Sixty-seven shots within 13 seconds just shows whoever was in command obviously had no prior experience. As protestors did have the right as being a part of the United States civil rights to protest. Still keeps in to conclusion that Nixon was a president unworthy of presidency as many others as well before him too. The other article that found online was “The May 4 Shooting At Kent State University; The search for Historical Accuracy By: Jerry M. Lewis and Thomas R. Hensley. “ Further review of the information, it started off as a friendly protest the day before that became hostile. Police officers being attacked and further acts of violence began to escalate with made the sending of National Guard troops with their presences. Troops did try to disperse the anger protestors with tear gas with refusal and went to retaliate with throwing canisters back only escalated to worst scenario. Out of the three that were killed only one was a demonstrator, the other three were just students stuck in cross fire. In conclusion, I do firmly Nixon had lots of covering up as even this article said that it began investigation and ultimately leading to the Watergate scandal which terminated his office.

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