Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Disney princess effect

Little Girls or Little Women? What happened to the simplicity of being a little girl? With more than a four billion dollar manufacturing just based on Disney alone; makes people say “what’s wrong with being a princess?” The real question is what a female toddler thinks images of beautiful girls with vision of perfect princess, displays who is self-conscious or less than perfect. The villain’s they are usually shown with imperfections or being obesity; thus could by reason’s that makes little girl’s in her mirror makes her see’s flaws as unbeautiful. Little girls with imperfections will often develop a self esteem as something must be wrong with herself. Giving a female child a greater self-conscious of why isn’t she more like the princess. Should make parents wonder, if a children are watching with constant flawlessness of singing, dressing and attractiveness. It can turn your normal happy child; into thinking something is awkward about herself, as Mary Finucane noticed in her three year old. The media continues to cover behavioral problems with such articles as “What’s Wrong with Cinderella’ written by the New York Times. As older they get seem like their self-esteem is more tarnished as seen an early childhood consultant from Wheelock College in Boston quoted “Parents are having a hard time dealing with it.” Makes you give a deeper thought in so “what’s the harm with childhood fantasy given so much debate.” With constant images from toddlers to teens of what is considered from Disney to Hollywood beauty is having an impact affect on our female society. Self image of vanity starts off from Disney the first few years of their tender lives then turns to another harmless show Hannah Montana or High School Musical (were the entire girl actors are portrayed more like women with clothing and makeup). In a couple months after Wheel started a blog “Disney Princess Recovery: Bring Back for a Full Refund.”Wheel received thousands response and followers, with pouring out dealing with similar ordeals in a change in behavioral pattern in their female children. Among rates of statics with alarming rates of female girls that one poll conducted in University of Central Florida that a shocking rate of 50% of girls agonize of being obese at tender ages between 3 to 6 years old. Also MTV and Associated Press, discovered from another opinion poll taken from one quarter of the population that have received or sent nude pictures within the14 to17 age group of females. Another problematic issue of the fashion industry in 2003 with a sells of thongs underwear for female children age groups of age as young as age 7 to 12 years old. These are just some of the studies that should sound alarms across the nation of public awareness of media along with beauty industry is corruption the self esteem of so many of our female children. In conclusion, many childhood providers have taken notice that the first five years having a huge impact influence just trickles down into preteen to teen and women. So maybe parents should part take more besides sitting their toddler in front of television viewing of what is considered beautiful; instead a mirror of self recognition of what true beauty is self.  

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