Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Jungle

Natalia Flores Professor Benuto English 255 9 April 2014 The Jungle; The Most Dangerous Job 1. What is the Goal of Both excerpt? Both goals of the excerpt is to meet a quota goal, that seems to build and build. The fast pace or unsantitzed food is the point that both animals and workers are abused. Both use manipulation to keep their workers quiet. The industry doesn’t care about anything more than making money on the expense on public’s health. 2. What kind of details do both authors include in their excerpts to make their point? The details that were used on the workers of meat packers such as injuries sustained. They hire low educated and illegal immigrants to keep their plants secrets unwrap. The sanitation in the Jungle story verse the stories in The Most Dangerous jobs are to keep their plants moving regardless of the public health, from workers to food that is being processed. The both use everything from rotten products to unhealthy solutions from dispensation of meat to worker. 3. What were the effect of the Jungle publication and have possible effect of The Jungle? The fast pace is the only thing that matters from rats that been poisoned mixed with meat to process lunch meat. The old rotten meat processed into smoked with couple ingredients will increase profit margin. Again no regards to the public’s safety to what they consumed to the workers in the meat plant whom hide injuries or grossly neglected and abused. The side effects of the Jungle just traded from abuse what the public eats by feeding us faulty product, just switch to abuse the workers in “The Most Dangerous Job’ that you can do the same to the employees.

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