Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Food Inc

Natalia Flores Mrs. Kim Environmental Science 225 31 March 2014 Food Inc. After further review of Food Inc. documentary, was really astonishing occurring for food standards guide lines. The beginning of food rush started off with corporations through the fast food industries such as McDonald’s. Their policies of cut cost of simplifying factors with practices of one worker trained to do the same job time and time again. Comprehending, that fast food markets are the largest purchasers of chicken, lettuce tomatoes, pork, and beef. The four different key run into five different industries categories: 1. Corn Industry making huge profits and turned into a monopoly. 2. Sanitation with ingredients and preservatives. 3. The use of illegal immigrants for workers in huge food corporations. 4. Monopoly in the meat packing industries. 5. The United States Government, allowing these policies. These are large issues that the United States public should be aware of, it’s has become a public safety issue. People need to start becoming aware to advocate our health for our self but our future generations as this has converted a profit not safety dilemma. This system has failed and started with not only the fast food franchise, but the corn engineering. It seems that Monsanto has engineered corn to come to be a Mafia corporation. They are one of the hugest key players of overall commerce; because they have engineered a corn into considered “their product” Monsanto thinks they own all the corn that is produced. Farmers aren’t allow to use any of their seeding as again the United States government has let another organization take of the United States public health into their hands. Thus allowing these consumers not only alter the process of food but allowing them to pump these items with antibiotics for livestock such as chicken. Then later the consumers such as ourselves eating the produced but only to have these harmful items such as antibiotics plus the what they have secretly added pesticides. We put on our plates everyday not just for our self’s but loves one leaving you feel so hopeless. The sanitation the government to let these food processors continuously changes not only harmful for our health to the public but causing a deprivation of the United States farmer. The farmers are usually owned due to contracts with another large business such as Tyson (one of the largest producer of chicken). Has the farmer expected to run and manufacture to their policies such as keeping the chickens enclosed in huge coops without any ventilation. Unrealistic as one farmer who boldly spoke up against them said that Tyson’s constantly asking to changes that cost over 500,000 USD but only earning up to 18,000 USD. The Famer also had exposed that chicken were dead and were unable to walk with the corn that made them mass produce their breast and legs. The chickens were only able to take few steps, then had to sit with the corn that were contracted to feed making them enlarged within weeks instead of months. Consumers thinking changing their health to chicken because of health benefits; to only find out them not only being processed un-sanitized fashion. These industries are grossly using illegal immigrants or low income public to abuse and to keep their business unwraps of exploitation. The poultry employed the Afro American population which was often low educated and low income workers. Now the poultry companies use illegal immigrants to keep them quiet so these corporations can continue to corrupt their products and feed the public. A secret camera revealed of chicken sick and half way dead being kicked and tossed and sent out for shipping for manufacturing. Making the consumer to purchase from local farmers with farmer markets and look for products that organic. The beef and pork manufacturers were worst the sanitization was ghastly, the methods not only exploited the animals but the workers as well. Cows were forced to be feed corn (which isn’t its natural diet) causing these animals to build up of E-Coli, thus affecting the consumers who eat and become infected. Thus causing the death of a toddler and making his mother’s loss into an advocate, still with rising death’s across the nation and recalls. The rapid productions of meat industry making the butcher’s job market the most dangerous as well into slavery. The Government is the most to blame as the pollution depends on the United States health department to insure the ingredients that are being used. But more of the measures of what actions should be continued to be held with these large monopoly corporations. As more and more of the public continue to suffer the consequences it is the Food Drug and Administration responsibility that it held accountable of fatal deaths happen annually. There should a greater concern about the well-being of not only it’s public but tax payers who rely on the government for its overall health in products that are being purchased in the United States industry. In conclusion again the people can’t rely on its government as many times had failed their public in the past. Considerations of growing your own crops in season such as tomatoes, with having a couple of fruit trees as well to get the people back on being self-reliant.

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