Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Che Guevara

Natalia Flores Professor Benuto English 255 30 March 2014 Che Guevara At first appearance of a body of a young man with soldiers standing over this individual first came to mind was what a sad sight. The feeling of another massacre of a youthful person who has the rest of his life looking forward has come to an end. With his lifeless body lying on top of a table as the older soldiers just stare off positions of sense of caught their prey. In the portrait there’s military general leaning over of the decease man pointing of possible fatal injury giving you a greater feeling of what caused this? Regardless it seem nonsensical lost of human life, philosophy of possible ways this person could of prospered throughout his young life. The article implied that Che had a look of forgiving such as Jesus Christ himself. That statement with religious sense felt little overboard as nobody could personally add up to the messiah himself. Che was being portrayed as a saint, and somewhat a martyr. With the bravery they displayed in his life time with jumping into the water as spectators were frighten. The ambitious boy is determined minded and willing to go under any circumstances to achieve. In the movie Motorcycle Diaries gives you a great sense that he achieved so much in short period of time. In another scene of Motorcycle Diaries, the people of Peru were awarding Che with acknowledgement of not capable of progress without him. It gave the viewer almost a likable illustration of him, like the boy next door that was accomplishing so much. With more investigation and reading of other materials such as article you understand this individual wasn’t the likable boy next door. Che was a dictator and caused lots of bloodshed with practice of hatred. Thus, being the truth then why does Hollywood and actors publicized him as kind of cool. When all he delivered a message of detestation of so many others, by carrying on T-shirts. Making you realized that our youth is a lost nation of just follow Hollywood cause it’s the sign of the time. Che caused the set back of Latin countries by discrimination against equality for human rights. In conclusion, brings me back to be we a nation of approval because it’s patented and added glitter to Hollywood, which we are a thoughtless nation? Everything seen is not to be the truth with further investigation.

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