Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Walmart: The High Price of Low Prices

Natalia Flores Professor Benuto English 255 8 April 2014 Wal-Mart: The High Price of the Low Price 1) Is it ok for Wal-Mart to conduct business that drives down other business to close? They way Wal-Mart comes in closed self owned business owners such as H&H hardware store or Ery’s supermarket that has ran in a small community for 40+ years. With Wal-Mart arrival business owners are forced to shut down within months. Wal-Mart depreciate local building value, as many other business understand won’t be able to conduct business profit with Wal-Mart in area. The United States government and cities help Wal-Mart provide land and building permits verse the average American business owner, is far from fair to the normal business owner. Thus causing the public to fight back to city officials of Wal-Mart is not Welcome Protest. The government is allowing a large corporate market of Monopoly and favoritism as the Walton family contributes much earnings to political parties. 2) How the ethics are are conducted how the workers get treated with including wages and insurance benefits? Wal-Mart exploiting workers from wages not being properly paid, as no overtime is allowed but you must get work done within a unrealistic time frame. Women workers are not promote to managers and are being discriminated against. Refusing insurance for workers and if provided have unrealistic premiums or deductibles are met with wages are provided. Afro-American are allowed to be mistreated and other Caucasian employees are singing racial jingles, without any ramifications of employee disciplinary actions taken. Wal-Mart freezes wages of their employees for a year don’t allow a union begins in the United States; but allowed in Germany. Crime rate is huge and growing as they don’t provide security only surveillance cameras, as workers and shoppers are being robbed, rapped, kidnapped and killed. Wal-Mart have 30 spy vans to stop workers from forming and becoming union, scaring their workers from speaking up. Instead of utilizing money to control workers a decent thing to do is contribute to workers and safety of the public as well. 3) How does the Walton family proclaim how “American” and “Christian” base company are really are? If you ever notice the advertisement’s that Wal-Mart uses the slogan the American company and way, hardly ever. With the consistent purchases from oversea have forced lots of American company industry to close, as China bought products are ongoing. They have several sweat shops in Mexico for clothing, were workers are grossly mistreated. The Walton family is paid 18 million(s) within 3 and builds their selves to the fortune five hundred yearly as their workers are not provided with decent. Instead of donation their money to charitable causes the keep contribute their donations to politics. A preacher in Inglewood had implied real Christians don’t build empires on the backs of their fellow man.

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