Sunday, April 6, 2014

Oklahoma City Bombing [1995]

Natalia Flores Professor Benuto English 255 30 March 2014 Oklahoma City Bombing [1995] The time of so many lost lives in the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, was a tragic time in United States history. So many faces of lost victims to a horrible crime gave so much grief. The sight of destructed of a ripped building with debris all over can only have a life time impact. The 170 deaths in from children and babies including adults, seems countless. The vigils the heartbroken families left behind seem so senseless. The video had constant reminder of the ages of victims and hearing of infant months it heart wrenching for the pain of families mourning their precious infant. Gives a greater not only upset but even a hatred of who would of cause the death of all these children. The difference of domestic terrorism is when an individual causes harm to his own country of origin. Terrorist from an outside group is an individual from another country to come into another country causing harm to other group of people. Either from homeland to out of country both are intent to cause harm by either self infliction or attacking areas containing large groups to inflict harm in large numbers. Either or is a political action against the most innocent which is the unaware the true victims of war. After further review of information that was unveiled with the public’s responses, there was high questionable to many things that had me question from the start. First, why would there be a daycare in a federal building? Would this as the government of concealing such as making environment of just nice office filled happily with office workers and children? Then to later find out there was an Armed, Fire and Tobacco office there too. Sometimes I feel like the government used the exploited of children to conceal their possible doing. Looking at further public testimony and heard there was two exploding (when the government gave one testimony of one). Hearing the possibilities of illegal storage of C-4 inside from one of the witness that building with knowing the presence of children. Even down to the predator Timothy McVeigh was an x military, wondering of what inside information he had as well. In conclusion, sound completely like conspiracy theory for other than what statements were made by the public and what was given to the public news, what be the otherwise turned of events.

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