Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Nixon Says Goodbye

Natalia Flores Professor Benuto English 255 30 March 2014 Nixon Says Goodbye The visual expression and the raise of hand from President Nixon’s head with peace signs on both side would be a considered of happy retirement. The President seems to be happy event of the 37th President did a well job and was ready to enjoy some time off, well earned. A feeling of euphoria of relief as the President stands on the top of the steps to the presidential helicopter. There’s a magnitude of a great pressure off his shoulders with an overall visual of Presidents Nixon facial features. It gave a portrayal of great work and accomplishment of fine work Nixon had done during his term in office. That appears to have looking forward to time off and finally away from the Oval Office. The first brief article on post underneath his portrait with a brief editorial that he was that had given his resignation on August 4, 1974. The most convincing of lying is when a person is offended and gets angry. I seen footage of the Watergate with resignation. Nixon is blaming congress that they don't have his support anymore and has tried to roll over instead of admitting wrong doing. Was revised per “Our long national nightmare is over,” the new president, Gerald R. Ford, told the American people in his first address after Nixon resigned in August 1974. “Our Constitution works; our great Republic is a government of laws and not of men. Here the people rule.” Helped us reshape our thinking of being naive to civilians day to day thinking the government will take care of us.I consider it a realization of what continuously plaques my mind of book “Night” by Elie Wiesel, to be content and think everything is ok. In reality there’s a lot of motions in action and never has to do the behalf for the people. In conclusion, that any relationship the best is to always never complete to trust always evaluate; people tend to always do what is best from their selves.

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