Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Hitler in Paris

Natalia Flores Mr. Benuto English 255 5 March 2014 Hitler in Paris The first image comes to mind with Hitler posing in front of the Eiffel Tower is symbolic to a tourist would. As if Hitler actually worked hard to achieve this trip of a life time. Next to the picture would be possible his friends and they were all on break together of a summer of vacation. Some what the feeling of they just had arrived ready to tour the city with delight a normal person of travel would do. The other two gentlemen accompany Hitler looks as if they have grins of delight. With the vision displayed you can sense the pleasure the three are very pleased to be in France. Then again many disguises are often with a smile. Hitler showed much admiration for the city, and quoted was his dream. His dream was to visit it to only try to tear it down. Hitler knew very many details and brought many artists with him to have a bigger vision of his world order. His personal tour was again like a tourist he knew exactly where he wanted to see and go. It was his first and only visit went on a art tour and having experience in opera houses. It seems quite odd because how a military man would would know about art. From previous knowledge of Hitler he’s dreams was to get accepted into art school but was rejected, but would be odd from people without prior knowledge. Hilter fascination was odd not to enjoy France by embracing it, but more show case of his own ideas of how the new world of Germany will be. Currently general ideas that came to mind with Hitler were his obsession of Napoleon was odd. It was peculiar to the point the two were even under 5’9 of height. Hitler’s seemed fixated on Napoleon to even have his body moved next to Hitler’s own father. It was lots of unusual similarities such as both foreigners’ ruling other countries, and both invaded Russian even down to the exact date (not year of course). Hiter and Napoleon together had photogenic memory, seem like both rulers had same qualities and dreams. Overall, Hitler I felt he was trying to possibly imitate Napoleon to the point of trying to rule the world as well. Hitler had no real identity just have seem to have followed Napoleon as an idol. The sight that Time magazine made him Man of the Year 1938, due to taking over country such as Poland, made me sick. Realizing the people in that time really didn’t understand the devastations that were sure to come. Almost for publicizing a bully because he had his revile countries in fear that had lost to 20 years earlier. That the article continues praise of war in the article and what he offered allies was permitted for his behavior. Hitler had Europe by the strings of his hands made intimation accepted in that era. In conclusion, had a intellect that back in the era that terrorizing other countries were excepted everyone else exempt yourself from the problem, is only contributing to the problem even more. Hitler’s only sought after to become his role model Napoleon then his own self.

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