Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Syria and Chemical Weapons

Natalia Flores Professor Benuto English 255 8 April 2014 Syria and Chemical Weapons Lifeless bodies lay all over with white sheet; the most horrifying of all is an elderly man lays the body of a toddler. Instantly sends a message of mass destruction of a sort. Two adult males are running out of a destructed building of some sort with flames and rubble all around. As the previous picture they both with again small children in their arms, racing from flames and running for their lives. Large crowds gathered along with the image of the Syrian flag flies high above. What is the cause of this chaos, you think again more died for at times senseless politics. Pathos is the first that comes to mind in this situation, regardless of what is going on the death of children is meaningless. Other people do matter but the sight of a little girl should be playing and not laid out on a gurney being respiratory resuscitated. Pathos plays a bigger factor over all when comes down to children over the other two such as Ethos or Logos. The Logos conclusion makes it overall view of chemical war fair was played on their own people of civil war, it’s sad again to see people oppressed to another iron hand of another government. The Ethos pictured played another huge key actually as showing the domination of what happens against demonstrators. With a greater understanding how easy for the government can turn against their own people just for their God giving rights, born to be free. The United Nation can only do so much as other countries that continuous crimes against humanity. Not just Syria but others as we learned like Liberia, countless death due to some dicator. United States policies do have a large effect around the world starting with ecomonics and enviromental powerhouses. Such as leaving Liberia alone under bad dicatorship after they were life long allies and was set sail to form a new country. The United States do hold a lot of responsibilities in politics around the world. In conclusion the United States do intervene when it seems like there is some ecomonics strong hold for us.

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