Thursday, January 30, 2014

Monk Burning Protest

Natalia Flores Mr. Benuto English 255 2014 February 6 Burning Monk The description is a religious Monk Asian decent engulfed sitting in a pose position in the middle of a road. Large flames surrounding him only partially right side you can see half of his face without a scream; just very still. The sight of this man engulf in flames is a horrific sight, as gas can spectators gathered in a circle. Most of the blaze have wrapped almost to his entire body. Envision to nobody to help with a thought is this real and with on lookers without any intervention leave a person in disbelief to think if real The real question to why have this person would have gone to great measures of self-mutilations and agony. This dreadful event in 1963 had taken place in Saigon downtown intersection a busy intersection. After further review of article there was not enough details of this individual just a small description he did a self-mutilations in a protest of monks and nuns having the ability to share their practice religious belief to other individuals. It gave me a great impression of human rights and the ability to exercise the right of belief, instead of just a one way of faith. The ideas and comfort of different belief with us is spiritually. It’s upsetting to see government can detain people of different faith due to politics of complete control of its own individual practice. With knowing that forcing others beliefs into a religion is sad because personally being a Catholic that God is a free will. Overlooking the comments that were left behind didn’t leave me surprise of peoples comments of supreme over each other’s religious thought on each other. Instead of carefully overviewing his strong belief had strong point on the rights for Buddhist monks and Nuns both religions to practice to spread their philosophies on religion. Everybody lost the real reason for his cause and message of human rights, just a lot of bickering. Personally suicide is unthinkable but for this Monk Thich Quang Duc should be held honorable for each point as a human being first and foremost that stood up for the rest of the world’s rights to practice religion as God of himself as freewill.

Education Pays

Education Pays, But Perhaps Less Than You Thought Over viewing the articles personally I agreed with Education pays. Everybody see they overhead cost of expenses with books material time and as a waste. Viewing not just what the market of government blogs, so more even I have observed several times with trying to obtain employment with the job shortage. Education is in demand with so many shortage of job is requiring the average worker to have a since of education. There is a hefty portion cost with tuition, then I weigh the matter of paying the professors will obvious more than just average salary for they their self’s had paid the dues to their profession. Such an individual can attain a occupation, it can even be beneficial with all the amenities. With later years the occupation closes or demand education will leave that individual to become weeding out of work. An individual that attains education it last for lifetime, verse their counterparts without it shows unemployment rate highest. Statics shows according to Bureau of Labor article “Earning & Unemployment Rate by Educational Attainment” 12/19/13 that a person with an education level of high school makes a wage of $471.00 weekly verse a person with doctrine education level at $1,624.00 makes a huge difference. Then a comparison rate of unemployment of high school graduate of 12.5 higher verses with a doctrine 2.5. Education does help establish a study income, as education is earned and not given. Such as a person with a degree verse a person without, usually the job will have a higher probability of hiring verse the person on experience. With the constant change in the work market it’s easier to obtain a job with an education verse without. For instance I personally had applied at verse areas with lots of experience in medical field with auditing insurance documents, experience such as privacy acts and etc. Just couldn’t obtain employment every job of placement had experience and prior knowledge, noticed that all positions had to have a Associates in Medical office just as a simple task of medical filing. In conclusion education does pay for its self even with a heavy investment, is more guaranteed to prevent poverty